Welcome to our website


We are very glad that you are visiting our site! 

   On this website you will find only basic information about HBOT. If you want to learn or research more, please check our HBOT LINKS section, where there are posted very good HBOT categorized links, with scientifical articles, testimonies and general info. 

   The main diference between our HBOT medical center and most USA centers is the cost of the treatment. We offer an affordable option (25 dollars per session) for people or parents from USA or foreing countries, who need this therapy but cannot afford it there, where this therapy is extremelly expensive, about 200 to 300 dollars per session in average, and up to 1000 in hospitals.

   Please look at the TESTIMONIES link, our recently started YOUTUBE channel. The audio is in spanish, but there is an english  description written, and we will add subtitles soon. You will also find here, a playlist with english videos about Colombia and Pereira city, as well as our own HBOT videos and others from the web.

   You can also look at the COLOMBIA TRAVEL section, where you will find pictures, info and links about Colombia, Pereira city (the coffee triangle region), accomodations, clinics, attractions, security issues, fees, eco-tourism, etc.

   Once you have looked and read your field of interest, we will be glad to answer any specifical question you may have, regarding your own health or child´s conditon, to ask the doctor how much helpful HBOT may be for your specific case, and what you can expect from the treatment.

    Doctor César Patiño (owner and director of the HBOT medical center) has 39 years of medical experience, and 22 years with Hyperbaric Medicine. He has treated several thousands of patients with HBOT as a complementary treatment, with remarkable results.

We are here to serve you, and we´ll be glad to answer your questions, and help or support you as much as we can.

Thanks for your interest,


Daniel Patiño




Visitors notice

26/10/2009 19:27

Website launched

26/10/2009 19:26
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