Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
- It stimulates the smooth functioning of the endocrine glands and the immune system
- Promotes and accelerates the healing of ulcers and lesions
- It helps reduce insulin requirements
- Potentiates the action of some antibiotics
- Prevents or necrosis of tissue recovered
Therapeutic applications:
- Diabetic foot syndrome: preventing or prevent lower limb amputations
- Diabetic macroangiopathy and microangiopathy-compromised wound
- Infected skin ulcers or difficult healing
- Decubitus or pressure injuries
- Diabetic vasculopathy
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Diabetic neuropathy
Approximately 1 in 4 patients with diabetes during their lifetime will have foot injuries and will undergo major or minor amputations, mortality at 5 years in major amputations is about 50% and the risk of losing the other end is over 30%, especially in older patients.
The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in the aggregate infections and diabetic foot lesions, increase oxygenation and tissue healing, restore microcirculation and neovascularization (formation of new blood vessels) reducing the risk of necrosis (death of tissue), the occurrence of ulcers and the need for amputation.
Another major problem affecting the diabetic patient is diabetic neuropathy, in which the alteration of the central and peripheral sensitivity is accompanied by bad injuries like plantar perforating, or diabetic foot lesions are difficult to heal, which can become complicated by the osteomyelitis of the metatarsal.
HBOT is a complementary therapy well tolerated and an excellent cost-benefit analysis, displayed in a rapid and remarkable recovery from the complications of diabetes, decreasing pain and symptoms associated with complications of the disease, and a general improvement in quality of life and the patient's clinical picture.