Main physiological effects
- Hyperoxygenation
A greater concentration and availability of oxygen in the blood, organs and tissues, allowing the body to optimize the natural defense mechanisms and recovery from various conditions or diseases, especially those involving high levels of hypoxia, and likewise improve response and effectiveness of other medical or pharmacological treatments.
- Neovascularization and neocolagenization
The effect of hyper-oxygenation stimulates the formation of new blood capillaries and regeneration of existing ones, promotes collagen synthesis and fibroblast proliferation, biosynthetic processes and optimizing the reparative tissue.
- Osteogenesis
Hyperbaric oxygenation allows bone cells to obtain the required amounts of oxygen to function properly, stimulating the regeneration or enhancement of affected bone fractures, aging, softening or infections caused by pathogens.
- Antimicrobial
Hyperoxygenation stimulates the immune system and white blood cells provides the oxygen they need to defend the body from bacteria and pathogenic organisms (especially anaerobic type), and makes effective functioning aminuglucósidos some antibiotics, vancomycin and sulphonamides, that require optimal tissue oxygen levels to act on the infection. (>40mmHg) (> 40mmHg)
- Thermodynamic
Increasing the local availability of oxygen during hyperbaric oxygen breathing reverses this situation by improving the thermodynamic state and tending to restore tissue physiology.
- Vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory
The hyperbaric oxygen causes constriction without temporary vascular hypoxia, thereby preventing leakage of fluids from the capillaries, and enhances the reduction of interstitial edema, which makes it useful in traumatic ischemia, tissue grafts and postoperative recovery